Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I have fallen victim to hyper-reality in the area of advertisements. For example, Kobe Bryant is a sponsor for "Nike, McDonald's, Spalding, Sprite and Upper Deck combine to give Bryant $20 million a year in endorsement deals" (Link 1).People believe that if they somehow drink sprite or wear converse, they will magically become super athletic. Dwayne Wade and Kobe worked hard before they started drinking sprite and wearing converse shoes. Furthermore, advertising is important just as seen in "Gatorade's whopping $180 million budget towards their advertisements" (link 2). Sometimes I think if I drink Gatorade, I will play better. Advertisements have become manipulative and make individuals have a subconscious belief that certain items enhance performance or enjoyment. Overall, I find myself influenced by the media which make simple products appear to be better than they are in reality.


Thursday, January 17, 2008

Crisis Postmodernism

As Christians, all we can do is embrace postmodernism, but acknowledge that the Bible trumps all postmodern theories of order or disorder. Postmodernism denies meta narratives, but essentially as a Christian you have to read the meta narrative, the Bible, in order to acknowledge Christianity in general. As Christians, you can take some postmodern views on issues, but for the most part you have to think logically about things. I mean there is meaning in life, its called serving and glorifying God. As a Christian, personally, I center my life around God and what the Bible has to say about the way we should live in regards to our culture. The crisis of postmodernism is just something you have to deal with and live with. I mean if your Evan you can be a nihilist, but I mean as for me philosophy comes down to what you personally believe and how you interact with people in a Christian manner.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Obviously the ending of Happy endings is metafictional because the author is talking about plots at the same time a plot is ending. Debatable whether there is a plot, but nevertheless the author supports the idea that one decision can change the course of a plot. Isn't that true about life though, one decision can make or break you. Plots are constructed on the basis that we start here rise here fall here and then it's all over. The author is suggesting that we do away with plot and write about life the way it really happens. Everyday is a plot and there are ups and downs that determine our fate. How and Why are more important than the destination. We're all going to die in the end, it's an inevitable given.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Captain Jack

Jack is postmodern because he flippantly changes sides in the third movie 3 times. He's like wait I'm on the British side, oh wait, no I'm a pirate, then oh I'm battling pirates. The circular battle in the 3rd movie represents chaos. The postmodern person loves chaos. Jack's whole demeanor centers on the fact that Jack regards all people's thoughts as subjective to the individual. Also, death is a state of mind; I mean Jack was dead and forgot all the people he knew; then all of a sudden he's back and knows everyone.

Friday, January 11, 2008


At the homecoming game, I stepped out of my comfort zone and talked to the Aussies. It sounded like Australia is extremely boring. The two girls thought I was crazy because I had never tasted alcohol. Anyway, I also learned that tight is evidently bad. Also, loose isn't exactly a great word either.

When you talk to people that you do not know and have little in common you learn a lot about yourself. I learned that I hold to a fairly high moral standard and work ethic. Also, words. Words are different to many cultures. Words are subjective. Words have a standard. If there was no cultural standard for words, communication would be impossible. I have come to the conclusion that each culture or region makes its own standard for words. Along with a standard of meaning for words, there is a standard of pronunciation. I mean half the time the Aussies could not understand me and I did not know what language they were speaking. Actually, I think I should talk with a British accent accent just because it would it would be different. Different. Difference is what everyone wants, but few ever get because of pride or fear. Fear will no longer be an issue in my life from this second foward. Charm is probably the single most important mannerism in a world of subjectivity and I wll master this mannerism.

Overall, I realized that we live in a subjective world- a postmodern world- meaning made by the individual.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Echoes could represent fragmentation. When the echoes resonate throughout the kingdom of Denmark, everyone can hear them, but they have no idea of the source of these mysterious sounds. The sounds are just symbols of uncertainity, which is what postmodernism is. Postmodernism is making your own meaning out of seemingly meaningless things. In a way, I could argue that you have to make meaning out of the characters of R & G*. Also, the echoes were somewhat existential because when the people of the Kingdom of Denmark heard the echoes they thought nothing of it. That is how they also feel about R & G*. The echoes could be interpreted as the feelings of wanting to be heard, when no one listens such as R & G trying to figure out there purpose in Denmark. Sorry MR. Johnson about being late, but last night a guy on Cascade gave me an elbow to the nose, which resulted in a water fall of blood raging out of my nose, which ended in much pain, which ended in a win, which ended in my nose be swollen, which ended with a trip to E.R. to make sure I did not get anykind of head injury, which ended in the doctor saying well your nose could be broken or it could not, which all ended at 1:30 when I finally returned home with my blog unfinished and that is why this is late. I beg on hands and knees to give me grace and give me full points on this assignment. I really would have had this done on Tuesday night if all that did not happen.

*R & G stands for Roschenchrantz and Guildenstern

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I think when Horatio says that "so R and G go to't," he is saying that thank God these people are finally done. They have back stabbed their friend and probably made a lot of money in service for the King. And the worst part is that they "wanted to make love to their employment." They enjoyed being treacherous, dishonest, and not loyal to Hamlet. Overall, I believe that Horatio is stating that I disapprove of all the actions you guys have done and I even disapprove of your death and you even tried to kill my best friend. Guys you earned death and that is the best alternative for these two rats.